Rick's Ramblings October 2024

Rick's Ramblings October 2024

I'm sitting in my hotel room about an hour out of New York, having spent the day in last minute preparations for the tour which starts tomorrow… I always like to spend time crossing "I"s and dotting "t"s but couldn't achieve any of it without the help of a great technical crew of Erik, Bobby and Frank. It's always a great feeling when you walk out for the first show of any tour but as the one-man shows are winding down, it makes these very special.

One thing I am really looking forward to tomorrow is seeing the vinyl of YESSONATA with the wonderful Roger Dean cover for the first time as I have only seen pictures on line up to now. I'm also hoping I might even be given a copy… these days the "artist" rarely gets a complimentary copy… (I remember the days when you were sent a box of 25 at the very least)! Mind you, I don't have a stereo unit anymore (stop laughing), and my CD player has given up the ghost, as has my Thorens record deck and finding decent systems on eBay is pretty hopeless. Also trying to find places to repair what I have got is pretty hopeless too. I have a 1980s Technics stack which I used to love, but that needs servicing. I really hate it when new technology appears and we are told that everything else is obsolete… it's not, it's just an additional way of listening to music… it's the record industry's fault that we no longer have record shops and that wonderful world of hifi… I'll stop moaning now as it truly annoys me. Bring back the great album covers and designs plus lots of information within the sleeves… that's what I say anyway!!!!!

[Editor's note: please do not email the site about the above paragraph - thank you]

I have also been set a challenge by my doctors after my hernia operation and that's to lose 30 lbs. by the end of the year so I've already started taking my food intake very seriously… not difficult with hotel food these days which ranks only fractionally above school dinners!

Being on tour also gives the opportunity to really work on ideas and plans for future projects as there are no distractions. I have four major projects that I am finalising and determined to make happen. At my age there's no time to be wasted.

Just before leaving the UK for America, I performed 3 one man piano shows in Italy and 5 more have been added already for February and March next year and already 2025 is looking extremely busy with a new album of piano recordings which will be recorded at the Granary in January all being well.

Back to the current tour and it's always nice to meet up with old friends to also see if any new propositions suddenly happen that could well lead to another new project… I say this because there was a meeting over dinner last night which produced such an offer, so we seem to be off and running already!

How things have changed here in America since I first came in November 1971. 24-hour room service. Now it doesn't exist. You are meant to scan some ridiculous looking blob and then order from an outside burger place or Pizza delivery place. The TV has also gone downhill, (yes I'm in full on moaning mood today). You can't find a sitcom to laugh at for love nor money and most of the hotels don't have the channels that show them and they tend to subscribe to basic packages… Luckily I get to eat at about 5 o'clock at the theatre, which is actually a perfect time to eat, but as I am working on my diet I suspect the portions of whatever I order are going to be rather small and anyway, I am sure I won't get to eat everything as the plastic knives and forks they send with the food break very quickly… (wow, am I still moaning)?

So the positives… as mentioned, I get to meet up with old friends. I get to play some wonderful pianos, (although to be fair at least 3 or 4 will be dreadful)… and it's an opportunity to come up with new ideas at the sound checks.

No show tonight so I think the best I can hope for is 6 hours of Judge Judy. If anything unexpected and good takes hold during the tour then I will do an update… but only positive stuff I promise!

Cheers Rick

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