GORR October 2018

GORR October 2018

Apologies for the late arrival of this GORR but as you can imagine with the tour and the imminent release of Piano Odyssey, I have hardly had a moment to catch breath.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the October shows to date and have met loads of friends going back over the years which I always enjoy. The theatres and their respective staff and crew have all been brilliant, which is more than can be said for some of the pianos, but certainly Reading and Kings Lynn had lovely pianos to play.

I have been doing loads of radio appearances promoting Piano Odyssey and I’m really chuffed to report that the reaction to the album has been wonderful. This means a lot to me, and indeed all those who played a part in making the music. Erik Jordan and Toby Wood, The Orion Strings, The English Chamber Choir, Guy Protheroe and Jan Cassidy plus the wonderful Angel Studios.....so many people believed in this album and that is why it is so special to me.

The rest of this month is made up of the same really...more concerts and more promotion including a Q&A plus a signing at HMV on Thursday 18th in Oxford Street at 5.30. These events always cost me a lot of money as I always end up coming away with loads of box sets and DVDs that I have bought!
The day before on the 17th I am doing the One Show live on BBC One....I love doing the One Show. Great people and always so relaxed. As it’s live, I always have to remind myself not to say “bum” on air!

Before the One Show I am doing Talk Radio with Matthew Wright, live at 3 o’clock. Matthew is a great friend and incredibly knowledgeable about music, especially prog rock so should be a real fun chat.

It’s amazing to see Xmas stuff in the shops already and so whilst in different towns doing shows, I shall take the opportunity to try and do some Xmas shopping as looking at the diary, I’m not going to have any chance in December.

You may have noticed the announcement that The Granary concert this year, planned for the 15th December, has been postponed and there will now be two consecutive dates in January which instead of being a Xmas show, will be a New Year’s Show, complete with resolutions, predictions and a Xmas report. Should be a lot of fun. The dates will be announced in the next couple of weeks.

Looking to the future, we are already very far advanced with plans for 2019, which of course is when I hit the ridiculous age of 70 and is also the 50th anniversary of when I consider I became a true professional musician which was the recording with David Bowie of Space Oddity. I want the year to be one long musical party which will go on until my 71st birthday in May of 2020.

That’s it for now............I hope to see as many of you as can make it to any of the shows...including the Moon Bears fundraiser on November 5th.

Enjoy the rest of the month and thanks as always for all your wonderful support........

bye for now........Rick

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