To avoid disappointment, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE FAQ PAGE first, which answers many common questions. If you ask for something that the FAQ already mentions isn't possible, your message will simply be deleted. We're sorry, but people are just ignoring this.
We cannot answer order enquiries for the Wakeman Music Emporium which is run independently from the website by Music Glue. Please direct any questions relating to products and orders to them directly.
For photos of Rick for press/media use, please visit the site of Lee Wilkinson Multimedia.
In particular, do not ask about future concert dates, if it's a confirmed concert it will be on the site, if it isn't, we can't comment anyway. Do not email suggesting venues, cities or countries - tour scheduling does not work like that. Finally on live events, we cannot supply press or photo passes. For these requests, please contact the venue directly.
We cannot organize meets with Rick including at concerts! This includes rounds of golf, invitations to play nearby organs, dinner and lunch invitations for which Rick is very grateful but cannot accept.
We cannot answer any questions relating to concert ticket purchases, exchanges or refunds - you need to contact the original point of purchase.
Regarding Podcasts, Rick has been inundated with requests and is no longer accepting requests to appear, sorry. In fact he now has his own podcast and any questions for the podcast should be sent directly to Rick at
And finally... Please do not email saying you've read the notices but can you please do it anyway. The answer is still no...