Rick's Ramblings September 2024

Rick's Ramblings September 2024

I know the first few days in September have already been and gone, but I am still going to tell you what happened on those days… as usual it's manic here and I suspect always will be… anyway on Sunday the 1st I was part of an awareness event in Aldeburgh where many of us stood up and spoke or performed to highlight the stupidity of the National Grid's offshore plan on the beautiful Suffolk Coastline. It was nice to make a re-acquaintance with Lord Deben who I hadn't seen for years, who spoke most passionately that there were better and more affordable options as did Jenny Riddell-Carpenter the new MP for the Suffolk coast, but for me the star of the show was a young 12 year old lad called Wilbur who spoke from the heart about what the Suffolk coast means to him and his friends and they couldn't understand why big businesses couldn't care less. He got a standing ovation and I suggested when I spoke and played a couple of pieces that he should stand for Parliament as soon as he is old enough!

On Tuesday 3rd I took the train to London to pre-record Add to Playlist for Radio 4. A great programme and the other guest was the extremely talented violinist Fenella Humphreys. It's the second time I've done the programme and I sincerely hope it won't be my last. After the recording, I met with representatives from the charity Lifelites and agreed on a date for November 2025 for a gala event to raise money as well as awareness for the wonderful work they do.

Thursday 5th I'm off to Basildon to present some awards to well deserving kids and also do an interview to help promote the music that goes on in schools and education.

Fri 6th… more podcast recordings with Mark Jeeves. We've got about 6 "in the can" so far and will end up with quite a few more by the end of the year when we launch as well as hopefully a Xmas special.

Sat 7th… it's the Electric Palace open day in Harwich. What a fabulous old cinema and I am proud to have just become a patron… if you are ever in the area, do visit, you won't be disappointed. I love the area as of course it played a huge role in helping Radio Caroline back in the day who in turn were fighting an out of date and out of touch government… (nothing changes) !!

Wed 11th… lunchtime visit to Friends of the Animals on the Isle of Wight. A wonderful animal charity run by truly lovely caring people, and that evening I'll be doing the very last one man show on the Island at the Shanklin Theatre.

Mon 16th… More podcast recordings, this time with the incredibly talented Griff Rhys Jones. We never have to organise where we record these as we're neighbours!! After we've finished I've then got a long list of USA interviews phone interviews to promote the tour in October.

Tues 17th… This day is a total repeat of the day before… who says Groundhog day doesn't exist!!

Wed 18th… I fly to Milan for a series of piano concerts. On Thursday 19th I'm at REZZATO (BS) at Teatro CTM. On the 20th at LIVORNO at Fortezza Nuova and on the 21st in ROME at Auditorium Parco della Musica Sala Petrassi.

Mon 23rd… more podcast recording with Mark Jeeves.

Tues 24th onwards for a few days… a series of lovely surprises for my wonderful wife Rachel... and after that until the end of the month it's preparation and suitcase packing for the American tour… and before I know it, I'll be back preparing for the Xmas Yuletide tour… nice to be busy!!!

Cheers Rick

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