Rick's Perspective |
Notes |
A bootleg of Journey To The Centre of the Earth taken from the master multi tracks that were used for the Canadian Broadcast version that was shown once and then mysteriously disappeared along with the tapes. Reputed to have sold millions over the years A&M did absolutely nothing to stop this version when it first appeared which annoyed me intensely. |
Wakey's Verdict |
I'd rather you didn't buy it please! |
Little Known Trivia |
I once tried to get to the source of the production to see if a deal could be struck by "legalising" it, but was told to "go away in short jerky movements" as they were keeping all the money and couldn't care less. |
Reviews |
Kevan James on 13th September 2001 [Other reviews] Although this is a unique recording, you should note two things - the quality is crap and it's a bootleg. It is a straight recording of the original vinyl bootleg and you get the sound of the run-in groove plus the break in the middle of "Journey" where you were supposed to turn the record over. If you must have this, I suggest you hunt down an original vinyl copy or better still, but the DVD/CD pack - at least Rick makes some profit from that! |
Denilson Neves Rampin on 11th October 1999 [Other reviews] (For loving of the " Journey... " and the collectors of Mr. Wakeman) A time disk! For that they want to feel itself carried stops for inside of the JTTCOTE. Without Overdubs! I must agree that the quality is not excellent, but hear Mr. Wakeman live, always is a fantastic experience. Prominence for the beautiful accompaniment of the orchestra and chorale. A classic! |